About Me

My name is Kristy. I'm a library clerk at a library in a small town. I do a lot of different things including running the circulation desk and helping patrons find books, teaching people how to use computers, running our social media, updating our website, and video editing. Before working at a library I was an EMT for several years but I left that field due to burnout.

I'm currently learning as much as I can about computers, coding, and web design. I'm starting from the very beginning though but so far it's pretty interesting and I enjoy it. I also like reading, drawing, photoshop, hiking, and learning Spanish.

I'm an artist (I mostly draw and do photo manipulation). Here's some of my work. I have dabbled in animation a little as well, but I don't really have the time or space to do it right now. But here are a few little animations I've made.

Here are some places you can find me online.


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